Audi Q2 @ Untold

Client: Audi

Digital campaign/BTL

You are fresh, you are cool, you are smart, you are rebellious and you cannot be tagged. In short: #untaggable you – the creative concept through which we communicated Audi Q2, a car like no other, at the biggest festival in Romania: Untold.

The campaign had 2 major components. The first one was the digital application that allowed the participants to explore the Audi points of interest located on the entire surface of the festival, allowing them to create memories and discover their unique festival profile. And the second component included areas created based on product highlights, on quattro, design and connectivity. They have come together with innovative displays, surprising activations and memorable experiences, all designed to communicate the brand in a way that does not interrupt the Untold atmosphere, full of fun and fantasy.

The results of the campaign included +100% awareness and the fact that the engagement rate during the festival was doubled, in addition to a very good image of Audi Q2: #sport, #coupe, #suv, #quattro, #compact – Untaggable.